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Oracle 12c Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation - page 8

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Sometimes, you are faced with a situation where you require a management agent to be re-installed for various reasons; or, perhaps you just wanted to uninstall the management agent since you no longer wanted to monitor the target host, the following are the instructions to deinstall the agent.

This is an expounded version of agent de-installation in reference to: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24628_01/install.121/e24089/deinstall_agent.htm

PREP TASKS: Delete Agent Targets in OEM

Before you deinstall a Management Agent, you need to delete agent targets in the Oracle EM Cloud Control 12c.

1. Shut down the EM agent in the target host.

$<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl stop agent

2. Login to EM from the Oracle Management Server (OMS).

oraem@s11node1:/oem/app/oraem$ emcli login -username=sysman -password=mypass123

Login successful


3. Synchronize emcli with the OMS

oraem@s11node1:/oem/app/oraem$ emcli sync

Synchronized successfully


4. List all the targets

oraem@s11node1:/oem/app/oraem$ emcli get_targets

Status  Status           Target Type           Target Name


4       Agent Unreachab  host                  pacific.vlabs.net


1       Up               host                  oem-vip.vlabs.net

1       Up               j2ee_application      /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_OMS1/e


1       Up               j2ee_application      /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_OMS1/O


1       Up               j2ee_application      /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_ADMINS

                                               ERVER/FMW Welcome Page Application(


1       Up               j2ee_application      /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_OMS1/e


-9      n/a              metadata_repository   /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_ADMINS


-9      n/a              metadata_repository   /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_ADMINS


1       Up               oracle_apache         /EMGC_GCDomain/instance1/ohs1

1       Up               oracle_beacon         EM Management Beacon

1       Up               oracle_em_service     EM Console Service

1       Up               oracle_em_service     EM Jobs Service

1       Up               oracle_emd            oem-vip.vlabs.net:3872

4       Agent Unreachab  oracle_emd            pacific.vlabs.net:3872


1       Up               oracle_emrep          Management Services and Repository

1       Up               oracle_emsvrs_sys     Management_Servers

-9      n/a              oracle_home           Ora11g_dbhome1_1_pacific.vlabs.net

-9      n/a              oracle_home           agent12cR4_2_pacific.vlabs.net

-9      n/a              oracle_home           WebLogicServer10_3_6_0_oem-vip.vlab


-9      n/a              oracle_home           agent12c1_9_oem-vip.vlabs.net

-9      n/a              oracle_home           common12c1_21_oem-vip.vlabs.net

-9      n/a              oracle_home           oms12c1_3_oem-vip.vlabs.net

-9      n/a              oracle_ias_farm       EMGC_GCDomain

4       Agent Unreachab  oracle_listener       OMRDB11_pacific.vlabs.net


1       Up               oracle_oms            oem-vip.vlabs.net:4889_Management_S


1       Up               oracle_oms_console    oem-vip.vlabs.net:4889_Management_S


1       Up               oracle_oms_pbs        oem-vip.vlabs.net:4889_Management_S


-9      n/a              weblogic_domain       /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain

1       Up               weblogic_j2eeserver   /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_OMS1

1       Up               weblogic_j2eeserver   /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_ADMINS



5. Delete an agent and its targets


emcli delete_target -name=”target_host_name:3872″ -type=”oracle_emd” -delete_monitored_targets

oraem@s11node1:/oem/app/oraem$ emcli delete_target -name="pacific.vlabs.net:3872" -type="oracle_emd" -delete_monitored_targets

Target "pacific.vlabs.net:3872:oracle_emd" deleted successfully


6. List all the targets to confirm the agent and its targets have been deleted.

oraem@s11node1:/oem/app/oraem$ emcli get_targets

Status  Status           Target Type           Target Name


1       Up               host                  oem-vip.vlabs.net

1       Up               j2ee_application      /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_OMS1/e


1       Up               j2ee_application      /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_OMS1/O


1       Up               j2ee_application      /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_ADMINS

                                               ERVER/FMW Welcome Page Application(


1       Up               j2ee_application      /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_OMS1/e


-9      n/a              metadata_repository   /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_ADMINS


-9      n/a              metadata_repository   /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_ADMINS


1       Up               oracle_apache         /EMGC_GCDomain/instance1/ohs1

1       Up               oracle_beacon         EM Management Beacon

1       Up               oracle_em_service     EM Console Service

1       Up               oracle_em_service     EM Jobs Service

1       Up               oracle_emd            oem-vip.vlabs.net:3872

1       Up               oracle_emrep          Management Services and Repository

1       Up               oracle_emsvrs_sys     Management_Servers

-9      n/a              oracle_home           WebLogicServer10_3_6_0_oem-vip.vlab


-9      n/a              oracle_home           agent12c1_9_oem-vip.vlabs.net

-9      n/a              oracle_home           common12c1_21_oem-vip.vlabs.net

-9      n/a              oracle_home           oms12c1_3_oem-vip.vlabs.net

-9      n/a              oracle_ias_farm       EMGC_GCDomain

1       Up               oracle_oms            oem-vip.vlabs.net:4889_Management_S


1       Up               oracle_oms_console    oem-vip.vlabs.net:4889_Management_S


1       Up               oracle_oms_pbs        oem-vip.vlabs.net:4889_Management_S


-9      n/a              weblogic_domain       /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain

1       Up               weblogic_j2eeserver   /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_OMS1

1       Up               weblogic_j2eeserver   /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain/EMGC_ADMINS



7. Logout EMCLI

oraem@s11node1:/oem/app/oraem$ emcli logout

Logout successful



As a pre-requisite you need to get the details of your AGENT HOME directory.

You may refer to the Understanding Agent Directories section to get the idea of what the value is.

WARNING! Taken from the Oracle Doc -

By default, the AgentDeinstall.pl script deinstalls the Management Agent, removes the dependent entries from the inventory, and removes the entire agent base directory. If you want to retain the agent base directory for some reason, then pass the -skipRemoval argument to the script. This argument ensures that only the Management Agent home from agent base directory is removed, but the agent base directory and the rest of the subdirectories are retained.

1. Invoke the AgentDeinstall.pl script:


$<AGENT_BASE>/core/ <AGENT_BASE>/core/ -agentHome <AGENT_HOME>


My Agent Home:

export MY_AGENT_HOME=/dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/

$MY_AGENT_HOME/perl/bin/perl $MY_AGENT_HOME/sysman/install/AgentDeinstall.pl -agentHome /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/ -skipRemoval

pacific:oradb> $MY_AGENT_HOME/perl/bin/perl $MY_AGENT_HOME/sysman/install/AgentDeinstall.pl -agentHome /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/ -skipRemoval

 Agent Oracle Home: /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/

agentHome = /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/

NOTE: The agent base directory: /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c will be removed after successful deinstallation of agent home.

 DetachHome Command executed:/dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/ -detachHome -force -depHomesOnly -silent ORACLE_HOME=/dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/ -waitForCompletion -invPtrLoc /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/

Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB.   Actual 16941 MB    Passed

The inventory pointer is located at /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/

'DetachHome' was successful.

Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB.   Actual 16939 MB    Passed

The inventory pointer is located at /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/

The Oracle home '/dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/sbin' could not be updated as it does not exist.

Deinstall Command executed:/dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/ -deinstall -silent "REMOVE_HOMES={/dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/}" -waitForCompletion -removeAllFiles -invPtrLoc /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/

Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB.   Actual 16939 MB    Passed

Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2015-07-02_02-56-16PM. Please wait ...Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production

Copyright (C) 1999, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Starting deinstall

Deinstall in progress (Thursday, July 2, 2015 2:56:50 PM CDT)

Configuration assistant "Agent Deinstall Assistant" succeeded

............................................................... 100% Done.

Deinstall successful

End of install phases.(Thursday, July 2, 2015 2:58:10 PM CDT)

End of deinstallations

Please check '/dsk0/orabin/oraInventory/logs/silentInstall2015-07-02_02-56-16PM.log' for more details.

Can't locate Carp.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/ /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/ /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/ /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/ .) at /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c/core/ line 32.


2. If you haven't done before hand, manually remove the targets which were being monitored by the Management Agent you deinstalled from the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console. Refer to the Prep Tasks discussed previously for details.

3. Manually delete the agent base directory.

   As noted from the output of the AgenDeinstall.pl script, the AGENT BASE is /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c.

   We can then remove that one if we don't need to re-purpose that directory:


   rm -rf /dsk0/orabin/11gR2/agent12c