©2015 -
Sample Sync Gateway Installation And Configuration Procedure -
1. Stop Sync Gateway Services
[root@lxnode14 ~]# ps -
root 1136 1135 0 17:36 ? 00:00:00 su -
501 1144 1136 0 17:36 ? 00:00:00 bash -
501 1146 1144 0 17:36 ? 00:00:02 /opt/couchbase-
root 7912 7827 0 20:31 pts/0 00:00:00 grep sync_gateway
[root@lxnode14 ~]#
[root@lxnode14 ~]# initctl stop sync_gateway
sync_gateway stop/waiting
[root@lxnode14 ~]#
[root@lxnode14 ~]# ps -
root 7926 7827 0 20:31 pts/0 00:00:00 grep sync_gateway
[root@lxnode14 ~]#
2. Remove Sync gateway Package
[root@lxnode14 ~]# rpm -
[root@lxnode14 ~]#
[root@lxnode14 ~]# rpm -
ERROR: unknown OS "RedHatEnterpriseServer"
This script removes an init service to run a sync_gateway instance.
You have successfully uninstalled Couchbase sync_gateway.
The sync_gateway user account is still active, remove it manually if it is no longer required
[root@lxnode14 ~]#
3. Cleanup install directories
[root@lxnode14 opt]# cat /etc/passwd | grep couchbase
couchbase:x:495:491:couchbase system user:/opt/couchbase-
[root@lxnode14 opt]# cat /etc/passwd | grep sync_gateway
[root@lxnode14 opt]#
Proceed to remove install dir:
rm -
Optional: Remove the config file of Sync Gateway if no longer needed:
rm -