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Sync Gateway Server is an application that provides a means to synchronize the data between Couchbase Lite and Couchbase Server. It runs an HTTP Listener to the replication endpoint and uses a Couchbase Server bucket as a persistent storage for the replicated documents.

This article is my quick implementation guide for Sync Gateway setup.


Couchbase Sync Gateway Non-root Installation

   Extract Sync Gateway RPM

   Shell Environment Profile Setup

   Development Deployment

   Production Deployment

   Troubleshooting Tips

Running Sync Gateway

   Sync Gateway Parameter Options

   Sync Gateway Firewall Configuration

   Create A Bucket For Sync Gateway

   Sync Gateway Configuration

   Parameter Descriptions

   Database Properties

   Starting Sync Gateway With A Configuration File

   Stopping Sync Gateway

   The Sync Gateway Metadata

   Bucket Shadowing

Couchbase Sync Gateway Root Installation


The non-root installation is ideal for development purposes only. It gives you the flexibility to install multiple versions of Sync Gateway listening on various ports on the same server.

At your designated Linux Gateway Server, create a directory for sync gateway software and to be owned by couchbase account

[root@lxnode4 ~]# mkdir -p /app/couchbase/mobile

[root@lxnode4 ~]# chown -R couchbas:nosql /app/couchbase

[root@lxnode4 ~]# ls -ld /app/couchbase

drwxr-xr-x. 2 couchbas nosql 4096 Jan 28 10:40 /app/couchbase

[root@lxnode4 ~]#

Download the current release of Sync Gateway from Couchbase website:


The download contains an executable file called sync_gateway that you run as a command-line tool.

For convenience, you can place the file into a directory that is included in your $PATH environment variable.

Extract Sync Gateway RPM

Extract the Sync Gateway RPM into /app/couchbase/mobile directory.

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$ cd /app/couchbase/mobile

[couchbas@lxnode4 mobile]$ ls -l $HOME/*.rpm

-rw-r--r--. 1 couchbas nosql 4717421 Jan 28 10:36 /home/couchbas/couchbase-sync-gateway-enterprise_1.1.1-10_x86_64.rpm

[couchbas@lxnode4 mobile]$ rpm2cpio $HOME/couchbase-sync-gateway-enterprise_1.1.1-10_x86_64.rpm | cpio --extract \

> --make-directories --no-absolute-filenames

35910 blocks

[couchbas@lxnode4 mobile]$

New directories are created for this installation and the sync gateway HOME path would be:

<mount point>/opt/couchbase-sync-gateway

[couchbas@lxnode4 mobile]$ ls


[couchbas@lxnode4 mobile]$ cd opt

[couchbas@lxnode4 opt]$ ls


[couchbas@lxnode4 opt]$ cd couchbase-sync-gateway

[couchbas@lxnode4 couchbase-sync-gateway]$ ls

bin  examples  LICENSE.txt  manifest.txt  manifest.xml  README.txt  service  VERSION.txt

[couchbas@lxnode4 couchbase-sync-gateway]$

Shell Environment Profile Setup

For convenience, add the Sync Gateway bin path to your shell $PATH settings.

[couchbas@lxnode4 bin]$ pwd


[couchbas@lxnode4 bin]$ cd

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$ vi .bash_profile

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then

 . ~/.bashrc


# User specific environment and startup programs


# Couchbase Sync Gateway

CBSG_HOME=/app/couchbase/mobile/opt/couchbase-sync-gateway ; export CBSG_HOME


export PATH

Then, exit the shell and re-login as couchbas user and check if the sync_gateway executable is accessible in the shell environment.

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$ which sync_gateway


[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$

At this point, we have completed the installation of Sync Gateway.

Important Details To Read

   Development Deployment  

   Production Deployment and Scalability  

   Troubleshooting Tips     


Sync Gateway Parameter Options

The Sync Gateway has a single executable called sync_gateway. You would run this executable along with the parameters to start the Sync Gateway.

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$ sync_gateway --help

Usage of sync_gateway:

  -adminInterface="": Address to bind admin interface to

  -bucket="sync_gateway": Name of bucket

  -configServer="": URL of server that can return database configs

  -dbname="": Name of Couchbase Server database (defaults to name of bucket)

  -deploymentID="": Customer/project identifier for stats reporting

  -interface=":4984": Address to bind to

  -log="": Log keywords, comma separated

  -logFilePath="": Path to log file

  -personaOrigin="": Base URL that clients use to connect to the server

  -pool="default": Name of pool

  -pretty=false: Pretty-print JSON responses

  -profileInterface="": Address to bind profile interface to

  -url="walrus:": Address of Couchbase server

  -verbose=false: Log more info about requests

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$

Sync Gateway has a default light weight in-memory database called Walrus that resides locally. For a more robust database, the sync gateway need to use a Couchase server with a bucket created for Sync Gateway. When connected to a Couchbase server, the default bucket it would be looking for is

sync_gateway. Unless specified by the parameter, the bucket sync_gateway has to exist in the Couchbase server.

Sync Gateway Firewall Port Configuration

In addition to the ports required to access the Couchbase server by a CBC or any SDK client (see article on network firewall ports), the following ports need to be opened to access the Sync Gateway. The firewall settings need to be applied on both the Linux server firewall and your network firewall.

4984  (public default port, tcp)

4985  (admin default port, tcp)


Based on the default configuration, you can access the status of sync gateway at

Create A Bucket For Sync Gateway

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$ cbc bucket-create --bucket-type=couchbase --ram-quota=100 \

> -u Administrator -P - -U http://lxnode5.vlabs.net sync_gateway

Requesting /pools/default/buckets

Bucket password:


  Cache-Control: no-cache

  Content-Length: 0

  Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 19:20:17 GMT

  Location: /pools/default/buckets/sync_gateway

  Pragma: no-cache

  Server: Couchbase Server

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$

Sync Gateway Configuration

Just to get started, let's create a simple configuration with a gateway database called guest_app.

config file: sg_config.json


  "databases": {

      "guest_app": {



            "users": { "GUEST": {"disabled":false, "admin_channels":["*"]}





Parameter Descriptions

For more details, see Couchbase Mobile Reference Guide

"databases":<{array}>   This is an array of database properties.

Database Properties

For more details, see Couchbase Database Configuration Reference

"server":<string>  Your Couchbase server (or Walrus) URL

"bucket":<string>  The bucket for which the Sync Gateway will use as a data source

"password":<string> The bucket password for authenticating to Couchbase Server. There is no default.

"users":<{array}>  List of Users to create along with their properties. There is no default.

"roles":<{array}>  List of Roles to create along with their properties. There is no default.


Starting the Sync Gateway With A Configuration File


sync_gateway your_sg_config.json

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$ sync_gateway sg_config.json

2016-01-28T13:40:53.866-06:00 ==== Couchbase Sync Gateway/1.1.1(10;2fff9eb) ====

2016-01-28T13:40:53.866-06:00 Configured Go to use all 4 CPUs; setenv GOMAXPROCS to override this

2016-01-28T13:40:53.866-06:00 Configured process to allow 5000 open file descriptors

2016-01-28T13:40:53.866-06:00 Opening db /guest_app as bucket "sync_gateway", pool "default", server <http://lxnode5.vlabs.net:8091>

2016-01-28T13:40:53.866-06:00 Opening Couchbase database sync_gateway on <http://lxnode5.vlabs.net:8091>

2016/01/28 13:40:53  Trying with selected node 1

2016/01/28 13:40:53  Trying with

2016/01/28 13:40:53 Got new configuration for bucket sync_gateway

2016/01/28 13:40:54  Trying with selected node 1

2016-01-28T13:40:54.263-06:00 Using default sync function 'channel(doc.channels)' for database "guest_app"

2016-01-28T13:40:54.271-06:00     Reset guest user to config

2016-01-28T13:40:54.271-06:00 Starting admin server on

2016-01-28T13:40:54.284-06:00 Starting server on :4984 ...

NOTE:  To run the non-root Sync Gateway process in the background, use nohup.


[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$ nohup ./sync_gateway sg_config.json &

To verify that the gateway is working correctly, use a browser or a curl utility to access the public URL to get the status of the guest_app database.

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$ curl http://localhost:4984/guest_app/


[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$ curl http://lxnode4.vlabs.net:4984/guest_app/


[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$

The database status reply coming from the Sync Gateway proves that it is working.

Stopping Sync Gateway

Press Ctrl-C to stop Sync Gateway process.

NOTE: For root installations, use the initctl to stop the service.

The Sync Gateway Metadata

In our initial demonstration, our sync_gateway bucket is empty. But the moment you startup Sync Gateway, it would add metadata into any bucket you associate it to.

Thus it is important _not_ to point the sync gateway to an existing bucket that have data used by other applications.

Below shows the meta data contents of the sync_gateway bucket after the Sync Gateway was started.

Bucket Shadowing

Knowing that Sync Gateway adds its own metadata to the bucket source, Couchbase has provided a Bucket Shadowing feature that avoids adding the metadata into the original bucket that has already an existing data that was used also by other non-SyncGateway applications.

Here's an example of a config file that uses CRUD_Lab bucket that has an existing data used previously by my lab exercises of my other articles.

I have added a new database called emp_app as our sample shadow bucket implementation.

File: sg_config2.json


  "databases": {

      "guest_app": {



            "users": { "GUEST": {"disabled":false, "admin_channels":["*"]}}


      "emp_app": {



            "shadow":{ "server":"http://lxnode5.vlabs.net:8091", "bucket":"CRUD_Lab" },

            "users": { "GUEST": {"disabled":false, "admin_channels":["*"]}}




Create a new bucket for the Sync Gateway,

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$ cbc bucket-create --bucket-type=couchbase --ram-quota=100 \

> -u Administrator -P - -U http://lxnode5.vlabs.net syncGW_CRUD_Lab

Requesting /pools/default/buckets

Bucket password:


  Cache-Control: no-cache

  Content-Length: 0

  Date: Mon, 01 Feb 2016 20:17:00 GMT

  Location: /pools/default/buckets/syncGW_CRUD_Lab

  Pragma: no-cache

  Server: Couchbase Server

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$

Start the Sync Gateway with the new config file,

sync_gateway sg_config2.json

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$ sync_gateway sg_config2.json

2016-02-01T14:28:01.031-06:00 ==== Couchbase Sync Gateway/1.1.1(10;2fff9eb) ====

2016-02-01T14:28:01.031-06:00 Configured Go to use all 4 CPUs; setenv GOMAXPROCS to override this

2016-02-01T14:28:01.031-06:00 Configured process to allow 5000 open file descriptors

2016-02-01T14:28:01.032-06:00 Opening db /guest_app as bucket "sync_gateway", pool "default", server <http://lxnode5.vlabs.net:8091>

2016-02-01T14:28:01.033-06:00 Opening Couchbase database sync_gateway on <http://lxnode5.vlabs.net:8091>

2016/02/01 14:28:01  Trying with

2016/02/01 14:28:01  Trying with selected node 1

2016/02/01 14:28:01 Got new configuration for bucket sync_gateway

2016/02/01 14:28:01  Trying with selected node 1

2016-02-01T14:28:01.230-06:00 Using default sync function 'channel(doc.channels)' for database "guest_app"

2016-02-01T14:28:01.232-06:00     Reset guest user to config

2016-02-01T14:28:01.232-06:00 Opening db /emp_app as bucket "syncGW_CRUD_Lab", pool "default", server <http://lxnode5.vlabs.net:8091>

2016-02-01T14:28:01.232-06:00 Opening Couchbase database syncGW_CRUD_Lab on <http://lxnode5.vlabs.net:8091>

2016/02/01 14:28:01  Trying with selected node 1

2016/02/01 14:28:01  Trying with

2016/02/01 14:28:01 Got new configuration for bucket syncGW_CRUD_Lab

2016/02/01 14:28:01  Trying with selected node 0

2016-02-01T14:28:01.439-06:00 Using default sync function 'channel(doc.channels)' for database "emp_app"

2016-02-01T14:28:01.442-06:00     Reset guest user to config

2016-02-01T14:28:01.442-06:00 Opening Couchbase database CRUD_Lab on <http://lxnode5.vlabs.net:8091>

2016-02-01T14:28:01.506-06:00 Database "emp_app" shadowing remote bucket "CRUD_Lab", pool "default", server <http:lxnode5.vlabs.net:8091/>

2016/02/01 14:28:01  Trying with

2016-02-01T14:28:01.506-06:00 Starting admin server on

2016-02-01T14:28:01.514-06:00 Starting server on :4984 ...

2016/02/01 14:28:01 Got new configuration for bucket CRUD_Lab

As shown by the screenshot below, the CRUD_Lab data is being mirrored at syncGW_CRUD_Lab in addition to its Sync Gateway meta data while the shadow bucket CRUD_Lab is intact.

Here's a sample content of a Sync Gateway document (emp_7369):

[couchbas@lxnode4 ~]$ cbc cat emp_7369 -U http://lxnode5.vlabs.net/syncGW_CRUD_Lab

emp_7369             CAS=0x2b5e55eb2e14, Flags=0x0. Size=485


  "_sync": {

    "rev": "1-2b0bc1a3fedcd028a2edf42338cd93bb",

    "sequence": 3,

    "recent_sequences": [



    "history": {

      "revs": [



      "parents": [



      "bodies": [



      "channels": [




    "upstream_cas": 1453411375803007000,

    "upstream_rev": "1-2b0bc1a3fedcd028a2edf42338cd93bb",

    "time_saved": "2016-02-01T14:28:01.573258361-06:00"


  "comm": 0,

  "dept": {

    "deptno": 20,

    "dname": "RESEARCH",

    "loc": "DALLAS"


  "empno": 7369,

  "ename": "SMITH",

  "hiredate": "1980/12/17",

  "job": "CLERK",

  "mgr": 7902,

  "sal": 800


Both the Sync Gateway bucket and the shadow bucket synchronizes changes behind the scenes to maintain accuracy of data.

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