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Oracle Grid Cluster Installation With NFS - page 4

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Step 8. Click the SSH Connectivity button to test the SSH setup.

Check the "Reuse private and public keys" then click test.

Step 9. Set the interface type for each subnet.

Step 10. Select Shared File system for your voting disk and OCR files

Step 11. Select External Redundancy and set your OCR file location.

Step 12. Select External Redundancy and set your Voting Disk file location.

Step 13. Set the OS group for the ASM.

OSASM: gridadm

OSDBA: griddba

OSOPER: gridoper

Step 14. Set your ORACLE_BASE and ORACLE_HOME



Step 15. Set your Oracle Inventory path.

Step 16. Pre-requisite check.

As indicated by the results, there was a warning on the swap size. We can ignore this by checking "ignore all".

Step 17. Summary of selected installation properties.

If satisfied, click install to proceed.

Step 18. Installation progress.

Step 19. Remote node installation progress.